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Hi, I’m Róisín from Ireland. I collect hundreds of old Irish recipes and send people reminders about upcoming Irish traditions. I love to bring out my old recipe books at my kids supper time and pretend to meal plan sheep brains with parsley sauce or calf’s feet to make them laugh. Little do they know their great grandfather who is almost ninety had to catch and eat blackbirds because of hunger at their age. I used to have a FB group about them but FB kept flagging it for being political after I posted a 1847 soup kitchen recipe so now run this newsletter and Instagram page.

I love historical home economics, writing and art and bringing my kids on “Mammy Mystery History” tours.

I hope you enjoy these weekly letters as much as I enjoy writing them. Picture below taken by my husband of my first attempt at making an old Irish recipe with the kids.

Beir bua agus beannacht,


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Hi, I’m Roisin from Ireland and I collect hundreds of old Irish recipes and send people newsletter reminders about upcoming Irish traditions.